November 27, 2015

Another Friday has rolled around and this week it is one of sadness in our house after we lost our 4 beautiful chickens to a local sly fox.   A reminder of the constant fragility that is the cycle of life.  The past year with our girls has taught me so much about food, sustainability and giving back so I know we will bring home some new family members soon.  For now I am grateful for the wonderful gifts they have left us in the constant supply of eggs left daily – a magic surprise every time you went to visit.  The 3 dozen eggs we have been left with be eaten thoughtfully and with gratitude.  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

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November 25, 2015

Hello Everyone

Dropping in with a picture of a beautiful cake from our Local is Lovely Workshop, but also to remind you that I am teaching my final DSLR photography workshop this Saturday morning at DTLL Workshops in Brookvale, Sydney.  Come along and learn how to really use that digital camera – start using the manual setting and take your images to the next level.

There are a few spots left and you can book by visiting the DTLL website here.
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