July 29, 2011

Happy Friday everyone
Friday Favourites are back – (well for a little while anyway) – it has been a good 6 months since my regular Friday Favourties post was around so time to bring it back.
Today some gorgeous ways to display your drinks – the possibilities are endless.
The links to all the photos are listed below but you can also find them all on my Pinterest Page here.

1. unknown 2. here 3. here 4. here

5.  here  6. unknown 7.  here  8. here

9. here 10. here 11. here

Source here

Have a delicious weekend everyone. 


July 27, 2011

My fascination with photography continues – in particular food photography.  I recently ordered Helene Dujardin’s book Plate to Pixel and from the moment I picked it up I was captured.

I am not the best when it comes to books – I just want to get to the interesting parts – the pretty pictures.  I love the idea of having beautiful books around but I want someone to tell what it says – especially when it is a book that is teaching you something – just let me know what I need to do so I can go and do it.

This book however was different.  Helene who writes the amazing blog Tartelette just seemed to know what I needed to hear – it made sense.  I read every word on every page and in record time.  I couldn’t put it down.

I can’t wait now to put into practice what I have learnt and I am dreaming of ways I can get to the US to do some kind of workshop she is taking so I can see and learn more from her in action.


July 26, 2011

Rain it did
Lovely to hear on the roof at night torrential 
But not so hot for school pick-up type torrential
After my post here just a few weeks ago about the glorious Sydney winter weather we were having, it all turned sour last week – the wettest July for 60 years and that was just in 5 days.

Finally on Sunday the rained stopped and Indi and I headed out for walk – skies were still grey, the air still cold and there were lots of bare trees but it was lovely to see the Magnolia’s starting to flower.

I am so looking forward to the leaves returning to the trees and the renewal that comes with Spring.
So how is the weather where you are?  Are you ready for a change of season yet?


July 21, 2011

I was very excited when my shipment of lovely paper drinking straws arrived this week – so many delicious colours to chose from.
Here is a look at this weeks new additions to the store – you can find them here.
(Looks a bit like the Brady Bunch Straw Family)
Stripe party bags and gingham party bags have also arrived – perfect for to fill with snacks, cookies or treats.

All the details of the lovely partyware can be found on the Sweet Style website


July 20, 2011

There is such a buzz around in the party scene at the moment with the announcement that Amy Atlas is keen to visit our shores – it has been the talk on every bodies lips since she mentioned it last week.  
The lovely Jane from Lou and Jane Homemade Parties emailed me on Monday to let me know that she had done a post about how she found Amy and encouraged me to do the same.  It seems Janes post has now got everyone talking about the moment they “found” Amy. 
I guess my Amy moment came probably about 2 and a half years ago – around the time I started my blog.  If you have read my about page then you will probably know that my blog began as a bit of a documentation of the building of our house – that is of course until I entered the world of Amy Atlas.  Suddenly gyprock walls and toilets became a little less interesting.
I had always had a thing for styling and co-ordinating everything and going the extra mile when it came to parties – a friend even said to me recently when I showed her my website that I was always ahead of my time as I had been doing this styling thing for years.
So suddenly I was dreaming about how to create my own dessert table – was it going to far to do it for the girls birthday parties – surely it had to be for a big fancy do and not a small birthday party.  So with the idea in the back of my head the decision finally came when Sharnel’s party for William popped up on Amy’s blog.  I still remember leaving the comment on Sharnel’s blog letting her know that she had finally convinced me to give it a go.  First came Sofia’s 4th Birthday Party and well the rest is history really.
I have been so fortunate to have had four of my parties featured on Amy’s blog which is such an incredible buzz – I am sure I had a smile on my face for a at least a week after the first feature last year – to receive the nod of approval from the best in the business feels great.
So there it is – the story of how I came to do what I now do. Sienna’s Vintage Circus Party last August was really the party that turned the corner for me – it was after this one that I started to get requests to do other parties and Sweet Style was born.
  If anyone had have said to me 2 and a half years ago that I would one day be in this business myself I don’t think I would have believed them!  Proof that a give it a go attitude can turn itself into so much more.
Thanks Jane for encouraging me to write this post and for all your enthusiasm when Indi’s kite party popped up on Amy’s blog last week and fingers crossed Amy does come to visit us all soon – if you would like to join her mailing list so you can stay informed you can do so here.
So now it is your turn – how did you hear about Amy?  Let me know if you post about it so I can read your story as well.
