April 15, 2009

Paco Jaansen Love Me Tap

Abey Gessi Oxygene Hi-Tech

Love Me Basin Mixer

Quadra Pillar Basin Mixer

Selecting all the wonderful things for a new house can be mind boggling.  The past few weeks have been spent looking at all things bathroom and kitchen.  Here are a few of the taps we have selected for our new home – I am particularly in love with our kitchen sink mixer by Abey – it is known as The Beast!  I also adore the Paco Jaansen Love Me tap we are having in the powder room.

April 14, 2009

What a wonderful four day Easter weekend in our house – filled with birthdays, family outings and of course chocolate – my 3 year old is chocolate obsessed whereas my 4 year old keeps telling her that there is no more chocolate until next easter!  The photos above are of our weekend of chocolate and fun! 

April 11, 2009

As we are in the process of building a new house we have started to think about the furniture we will need to fill it with once it is finished.  We sold our last dining table before we left out last home so a dining table is high on the priority list.  We would like something contemporary and white and it must be able to seat 12.  We found these beautiful extension tables while out shopping today – they are by an Italian company call Kristalia.  They are just beautiful and the extension mechanism is smooth and easy to use.  This table has now made it onto our wish list.

April 10, 2009

Images: Sweet Art

Image: Planet Cake

My bunnies 

My Monkey

My Tea Pot

My Princess Castle
Today we Celebrated my husbands 44th Birthday and his fathers 77th Birthday with the family – we had a lovely morning in the park with his brothers and their families – 19 of us in total – such a lovely morning watching the kids ride their bikes and swing on the swings.  While my cake was not so exciting today I do enjoy attempting to make beautiful cakes for the kids birthdays and I am pleased to say I have made some good ones in the past – here are a few of my creations, plus a few other lovely cakes I have found while searching for interesting cakes to bake.